
and still working. Well, it's now 11.56 and I finished 5 minutes ago, in order that I had time to blip.

Hat - very bad hair day due to hair thinning at rapid rate. Wish I could wear a hat all day at work. Would feel far less self conscious.
Tea - caffeine free.

Am at Uni tomorrow and I am trying to be a girlie swot and get a pile of my portfolio signed off. Another session just before half term which should see a bit more of it done and then I know that I am going to be missing 1 or 2 sessions when I am post op. So am just trying to get a bit ahead, so I am not massively behind when I go back to it in June.

To be fair, it has been a satisfying evening of work as it has demonstrated that i already have a lot of the stuff at my fingertips. It's the referencing and cross referencing against 70 different assessment criteria that has been the monstrous element.

Ah well, could be worse.

Now to check for last minute emails from my course tutor, as he often sends one late the night before a Uni day...then bed.

Night peeps.


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