Between Skips

Last skip full to the top and away, new one doesn't arrive until next week. So as not to slow down the renovation I removed the gas cooker and dismantled it so I could a. lift it, and b. get it down to the tip recycling centre. They are remarkably simple pieces of kit. It went well. The cooker was absolutely disgusting, inside and out. Grease from the oven had dripped into the ovenwear in the plate warming drawer. It smelled rank. Yeugh. It smelled a lot. Ironically beside it was beside an unopened "Brillo Oven and Grill Cleaner" spray. They probably realised they needed a bigger bottle. Anyway, that dragon has been slayed.

Huge fridge removed. The narrowest part of the long hall is 28", the narrowest part of the fridge is 27.5", that leaves a 1/4 " for each hand. Ouch! But we managed, it has gone.

Washing machine out. It weighs a ton! The cold feed isolator handle is broken off. Disconnection will need some deliberation. Still a work in progress.

Some tiles off, I don't know what they used to stick them on but NASA needs to know about it.

Working on the house all week and for the first time in ten years I actually feel like this is a weekend! (not having done a hands turn in all that time).

Have a good one, and try not to mention Boris or Sturgeon, but laugh all you like over Corbyn or Swinson (preferably both).

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