"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Picking coal off the beach." he replied. Dropping finds into a barrow,

I didn't enquire further.

The bay that is our beach is awash with bricks from many kilns. It puzzles me as to how they got here. 

Hope your weekend was awesome. Make the most. Germany in total lockdown into next year, Italy covid out of control, Brexit a farce - warships in the channel for goodness sake. Supermarkets told to stockpile food, we are told not to stockpile food. Third covid spike predicted for late January. Trump giving all his butt kissers top jobs and his followers scuffling in the streets (well it takes two to scuffle).

And if that is not enough the dog is poorly. He has likely scavenged something unsavoury and the consequences do not bear contemplation. Emergency trip to the vets. That is probably £600 I'm never going to see again. 

Hey ho. 

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