Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The track rules

At lunchtime, Margaret (across the road) brought her three grandchildren to see us. Were they interested in the tree or the lights or the Christmas paraphernalia? They were not. They immediately got stuck in to building a track.

N, the youngest, at just 3, had not seen the track before. He is a quiet, shy boy who did not want to remove his coat. Not long in to the session and the coat was off! He soon learned how to put the track together. His sister, A, is 8 and is delightful with him, showing him and encouraging him all the way. T, at 6, had played with the track before, so was able to instruct the others!!

It was great fun to watch them.

I had been to Tesco first thing to buy fruit for tomorrow's Christmas party. It was remarkably quiet when I arrived, but was busy when I left.

This afternoon, I spent time putting together a photo album to send with my Christmas greetings. I've decided to mainly use close ups of flowers and some of the seascapes from Harris. I think that people need to contemplate beauty as an antidote to the political situation. All that squabbling. Yuk!

Margret (next door) came and we've given her a Christmas present. It is an arrangement of plants in a basket which we saw yesterday in Hexham and liked. There is no point if we keep it and enjoy it for a week. She was delighted.

We may eventually manage to watch the recorded programme of Gareth Malone at Hexham Abbey before the night is out.

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