New Day New Future

I make a slight detour on a morning nowadays to try and get a new scene for the One Street Project if I can, this being my adopted street. The buildings along here are from another time with brick that positively glows when the light catches it right.

The light this morning was artificial just before dawn, but I liked the way it worked and highlighted the huge iron gate on the side of this old refurbished mill.

When I got to work at the top of this street and up my flights of stairs, I looked out of the skylight (because sometimes you get views like this) and saw that the buildings were indeed starting to glow. Back downstairs with my camera I went out in the cold to hunt a pink sunrise but there was nothing. An illusion from who knows where.

This evening the moon was gorgeous again; I had a back garden safari and saw the sky was clear, the ground as crisp and satisfying to walk on as popping bubble wrap, but I had no time to get to a good vantage point so again I just enjoyed the time.

All being well I have plans for a nightscape tomorrow!

Thanks so much for the reaction to Snow, Stars and Scarlet Smiles. I just love that every day is a new adventure. No matter how tired I am after work, this is daily renewal.

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