Washer on Edge

So we're walking along our street with the pugs this afternoon.

One of them, Ellie, loves to sniff out small pebbles and such stuff.

I notice her going for a pebble in the street that looks strange.

Checking her progress with the leash, I take a closer look.

I called Kathy back for a look as well.

To our astonishment, it was a washer standing on edge.

No kidding, cross my heart!

How doggone random is that.

On very close examination (this means me lying on the cold pavement with my glasses off and my cheek on the ground) I could see that about 1/16 inch (2mm) of the bottom edge of the ½ inch (15mm) washer is embedded in the asphalt.

I cannot explain how it might have come to be this way.

I was careful not to disturb it, hoping someone else might enjoy finding the washer on edge.

Better than finding a 4 leaf clover for certain ;-)

Kathy wonders if we've been the target of a practical joke.

Hmmmm.... maybe so. A good joke on me if this is true.

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