Christmas Day walk

Merry Christmas!  

Woke up a little too early, like two excited children, and then spent the rest of the day continuing to feel like two kids left home alone as we did everything exactly when and how we wanted :)  Had a small breakfast, then got showered and dressed and opened our presents.  Tim bought me a fantastic new laptop, which I am using now (after much setting up).  It is an absolute beauty!  Soooo fast compared to my old one - can't wait to start editing my photos on it!

I phoned my Mum after that, and then we had our traditional second breakfast of mashed avocado and poached egg on toast.  We then decided our lunch could wait until dinnertime - so had Christmas pud first, then went out for a walk around the Cator Estate at sunset - the best time for peeking in the posh houses and spying all the Christmas trees, etc, before the curtains are closed ;)  

Made a delicious salmon en croute when we got back, along with roast potatoes and parsnips, and steamed veg.  I was so sleepy after that - just managed to stay awake through Finding Dory and Die Hard 2, then gave in and headed to bed for a damn good sleep!

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