Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Big Year Tree Sparrow

Okay, so not the best shot but I wanted to record this for the BlipBigYear Challenge and since these are not a common sighting for me, figured I'd better do it while I can.

This is an American Tree Sparrow (spizella arborea), a small bird that breeds in the arctic regions of Canada and Alaska. They usually travel in small flocks in the winter, searching for seeds. For the last month I have been seeing a single tree sparrow at my feeders - not everyday, but several times a week. It is usually present with a flock of juncos and white-throated sparrows (also winter sparrows sparrows in this area.) Not sure why it isn't with other tree sparrows and wonder if it got separated from its flock somewhere along the way.

This sparrow is often confused with the Chipping Sparrow which also has a rufous crown. The field markings that distinguish the tree sparrow are the beak color (upper black and lower pinkish) and the spot on the breast.

We awoke to about 5 inches of new snow this morning - the wet, heavy kind. Not my favorite as it is a bitch to shovel - but it is very pretty to look at. And a fresh snow means that business at the Bistro was booming! The count for today inlcuded...
white-throated sparrows
blue jays
crows (in the woods)
mourning doves
carolina wren
house finches
woodpecker (downy, hairy and red-bellied)
wild turkeys (they came charging out of the woods at speeds that were amazing, considering that they were running!)
...and Coop, the Cooper's Hawk

Six of the better shots are posted starting here on flickr

The best part of my day was when I answered a call from "unknown number" and heard a British accent ... and it was BikerBear, aka Anni! We had a great chat and strategized about the best type of wine to drink while photographing hummingbirds (white, if anyone is interested.)

Thanks for putting up with my funk the last few days. I'm feeling much more human now, and am ready to do battle with the entire irritating medical insurance profession. Yay, me.

Happy Wednesday!


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