Floating Edinburgh Castle from the Lookout

This photograph gives the impression that Edinburgh Castle is floating over the New Town and the Firth of Forth. It is not. This is a reflection in the windows of the Lookout restaurant on Calton Hill. Mr hazelh and I ate here for lunch today.

While the views from the restaurant are really spectacular - especially on a day like today in the winter sunshine - I have the same criticism regarding the food here as for the Lookout's sister restaurant Gardener's Cottage. The portions are far too small. We also object to paying extra for bread, so went without it at lunchtime today.

Back home again I mended a green handbag while Mr hazelh worked on our 2019 photo book. We also popped round to the shops to stock up for our lunch party tomorrow. Jon, Paddy and Paddy's friend Ali are coming over. Catan has been requested...

Exercise today: 45 minutes on the exercise bike; a little walking (9291 steps).

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