My Best Efforts - Year 3


After Shopping .............

................I saw the road was reasonably clear - (this area is not the best for road gritting I'm sorry to say!) - so decided to drive to a lake about 7 miles away. This lake is commercially owned, has several chalets for rent, a well screened area for a limited number of caravans and a not bad restaurant. Hoped there might be lots of birds but very few. Anyway took a few pix and rather liked this one mainly because the bark of the silver birch stood out so well and the willow trees were showing the beginnings of the buds which will open into leaves in Spring and were a lovely golden colour. The seat did not tempt me today!!!

We had more snow late yesterday and, I think, in the night as well - the sky is very grey and the temp is just above freezing - just right for more!

Have a warm and cosy weekend!

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