Our House

It's been a while since I've blipped this view of our terrace up on the hillside across the village.  I took a walk up to Wilsden this morning to pop a letter in at our ex neighbour's house which needed redirecting.  As I type this it looks like I had the best weather of the day as it's clouding in now and another rain shower is coming through.

The news is very depressing just now:  the corona virus; major flooding; locusts in Africa; innocent people trapped in wartorn cities; climate change; horrible online stuff; extreme Nationalism; ever stretched Social Services; increased numbers of folks sleeping on the streets, dangerous Leaders and a Government which has battened down in no.10 with no apparent interest in any of it but determined to silence any opposition whether it be in the Civil Service, the Media or indeed, their own ranks.....

Late extra:  Thank you to friend Henk for making me laugh on a blue day with this joke - ‘ Have you heard that Poundstretcher and Marks and Spencer are to merge?  They will be henceforward called Stretchmarks ‘. H.

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