Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The tiny streets of Venice

It's been a day of sunshine and blue skies today. I had an early morning shoot around St Mark's then back for breakfast. Then I made my way on foot to take the valporetta to St Giorgio on the advice of my host, Mattia. He said it is a 20 minute walk but would take me longer because I would keep stopping. How true.

There were delights at every turn. The route was very tricky before Santa Maria del Miricoli. I asked a nun who was at her door talking to a friend. The friend tried to help but did not have her specs. Two more friends arrived and none of the 4 had their reading glasses. It was hilarious and we all shared the joke.

The tiny streets are tortuous and it is difficult to find the way. Should I have brought a compass with me? I stopped by this war memorial stone and then realised I could photograph people coming through the archway. I have seen many elderly people struggling along with their shopping. There are no concessions here - you have to be able to cope with the steps. I saw one old man pulling up a basket on a rope after a neighbour had done some shopping for him.

Visited the Doge's Palace - completely over the top decor and a seemingly never ending suite of rooms and then dungeons.

Saw spectacular views from the bell tower of the Benedictine church of St Giorgio Maggiore. Then visitedCharles Ray's sculpture, The boy with the frog on the tip of Punta della Dogana.

Quite a day.

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