Had another day indoors. It snowed for a while but not too much. Neil walked to the gym - he said the worst part of the journey was on our estate. Our road and the nearby paths have not been cleared or gritted at all. Once he got on to the main road it was easy going.

I was expecting a delivery yesterday but it didn't arrive. I contacted the seller who got in touch with the courier.... who said they had LOST the item. So the seller is sending another one which should arrive tomorrow. Good job I don't mind waiting at home for deliveries.

Late last evening I happened to glance out of the window into the back garden and I saw a fox. No chance to grab my camera as it ran off like a shot when it saw me. I got a bit worried thinking of Fluffy out there in the dark. I haven't seen her today but Neil said she was in the utility room this morning and he gave her some food. Hope that fox doesn't hang around too long.

Today's blip is Tino sitting on the windowsill.

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