Capital adventures

By marchmont

The dark side

Now you'd think that the last thing I'd be doing is spending time at RBS HQ after the problems I've had over the last few months, but there I was spending a day at the RBS Business Centre. They'd provided the venue for our team 'away day'. And despite a glitch over the date it was a great day, ably run by L.

It ended in time for me to get more cake stuff from The Finishing Touch.

And guess what? On the way back from Gogar I saw an Edinburgh tram, moving along the track towards the airport. The last time I saw an Edinburgh tram I was a small child (no actually it was about 40 years ago at the Crich tram museum.)

Edit: the link to the Edinburgh tram is a really great little film on the original Edinburgh trams which ends 'And the trams are gone forever' - oh no they're not!

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