Out of school

A day out of school today sharing ideas on how to raise pupils achievement and interest in Triple Science.

A lie-in until 7, a great walk into the city centre and a fantastic, stimulating day with colleagues from other schools.

Walked back home, taking this shot of the planetarium at @Bristol, where our course was held.

A quick read of the newspaper which is banging on about failing schools. It's such lazy reporting but not surprising. A failing school is one that fails to move its pupils on at the expected rate of progress. If you teach in a catchment where the intake has low attainment on arrival in Year 7, you could make better than national progress and still have a level of attainment lower than other schools.

It's somewhat frustrating for teachers who choose to teach in schools in challenging circumstances but not a surprise. It's always good to blame someone but terrible for morale.

Friday it is though and just on vegetable watch with son #2 who is slowly working his way through his.

Logs are burning, lounge is warm, slow drift into slumber forecast for the near future.

G&T just delivered by Mrs Running Backwards. Not the drink of choice but hey! When opportunity knocks.....

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