Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Not Again!

I can just about see the eye rolls from here and the little mutters "not again with the toilet rolls!"  I'm (almost) confident in promising that I'll get back to a nice civilized bird tomorrow.  Almost...

And before I get entirely off the subject of "loo rolls" I must thank you for the very unexpected love on my blip yesterday!  I guess I wasn't the only one in need of a chuckle.  Thank you.

It was a beautiful day so Hubs and I did a lot of pottering around in the yard and garden.  Well, actually Hubs did far more than I did.  It was nice to be outside, nice to see signs of spring everywhere, nice to be away from the news, nice to hear birds singing.  Late in the afternoon, we did the unthinkable and sat and watched an hour of television - we are on Season 3 of Downton Abbey now.  I'm enjoying it every bit as much as I did when I first saw it.  

Some friends stopped by to drop something off.  They are getting ready to move to Montana and I would have liked very much to hug them both goodbye, but instead we visited in the driveway from a distance of 10 feet.  Strange times.

Not good news today in my home state of New Jersey; and even worse news from my old home, New York City.  Please tell all of your loved ones not to take any chances, to stay out of crowds, wash hands frequently, don't touch faces.  And, as always, continue to be kind.  Kindness is something I can count on from the Blip Community, and for that I am so very grateful.  


Covid 19 Stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 2PM today - 6,876 (and increase of 56% over yesterday)
Deaths in NJ - 81
Positive cases in Sussex County - 49

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