Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

No deid yet!

Well I was delighted to see that I haven't actually killed my rhubarb after all. It has survived and has put up one pathetic stick about a centimetre across and 15cm tall, but perhaps great things will follow... who knows!
Don't hold your breath for the rhubarb crumble folks. Perhaps it has the rhubarb crown virus!

A beautifully sunny morning when I awoke but sadly by the time I had roused myself sufficiently to get up it had reverted to dreich and dull again and remained so most of the day. There were occasional glimpses of the sun through the clouds and a brief flurry of hailstone type snow at one point.
I had a lovely online chat with a college friend this morning, almost 45 years since we graduated and we don't see enough of each other, but still as mad as ever. We obviously recognised that kindred spirit all those years ago!

I had bought a larger than usual punnet of mushrooms last week, I wasn't hoarding, it was that or none! Today though we had reached crisis point, use then put lose them, so I made a pot of cream of mushroom soup. I am very wary of making it as the only other time I did, I carefully followed the instructions, but when I liquidised it, it turned purple... Not my most tempting dish but it tasted OK. This lot looks better though but I didn't liquidise it.
I'm making an apple sponge today too, we've decided we prefer that to either crumble or pie.

My other success was of a more technical type, in a mad moment about 10-15 years go, I was unable to resist some TVs which were on sale in M&S. They came with built in DVD players and cost £25 each, reduced from over £ I bought one for the sitting room and one for Ali and one for the spare room room. They've been quite useful but each has gradually died and although it's useful to have one in the spare room, they don't really get used. Today though I thought it might be good to check whether I could get any of them working so that if either of us gets ill, we can obey the rules and keep apart (ish).
I switched on the first and nothing at all happened, the same with the second. This seemed really strange, that both should be the same with not even a power light. I changed the batteries in the remotes, tried different sockets, switched power leads, then.... Eureka.... Each had a master power button hidden away at the back, I pressed that switch and they sprang into life. There have been lots of DTV updates since they were last used so I plugged each of them into a set top aerial, did a retune and I now have 3 working TVs two of which have DVD players too. Result!
My dad would be proud of my determination to keep going, using logic and trial and error with different options till I could work out solutions. Dad was an electronic research engineer and used to rescue everybody we knew's dead tvs for fun. We never had a new TV at home, always one he had rescued but, provided you knew where exactly to bang it when it went fuzzy all was well.
Joy. He always encouraged me not to be frightened to fiddle with things to take them apart and try to fix them and I've thanked him so many times when I've succeeded.

Remember to put your clocks forward tonight.
At least I won't be late going to church in the morning, nobody will know if I'm singing along in my dressing gown from home, and no, I'm not using Zoom!
Keep well everybody and thanks for dropping by my journal.

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