
By strawhouse


Miss L came worth me for a walk this afternoon. I had a birthday card to post and a dress sold on eBay this morning.
The post office in Buckingham is closed due to the lovely staff self isolating due to one of them being unwell. Fingers crosses they’re all OK as they’re all so nice in there.
As I had no proof of postage - just putting it in the postbox with a printed postage label (who knew?!!!) I took a video of Miss L posting it. She was giggling and making a complete meal of it, dramatically stuffing it in!
That’ll hold up in court!!!!
Miss L loved the walk in the sun. Particularly enjoying the lack of traffic and laying down in the road at one point (it was a quiet dead end) Fruitloop!
Thankfully the Little Misses are still taking it all in their stride. We’ve run out of a few of their favourite things but they are making do with what we’ve got. We’ve got plenty of food for meals but all the fruit has gone and, horror of horrors we’ve run out of ham!
It’s actually not a bad lesson for them, that I don’t rush off to the supermarket the minute we’ve run out of something they want. You’ve got to wait two weeks love!!!!
I wrote a bit more of my book today. I only seem to be managing a few paragraphs a day!!! And lots of tinkering of bits I’ve already written.
25,000 words reached today so only about a quarter of the way there. Eek!
On a very positive note, I sent it to a mystery reader this morning. My perfect target audience. She really liked it she said and can’t wait to find out what happens!
It’s like having a deadline!!

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