Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

My Gift to You

I thought we could all use a dose of Tufted Titmouse today, so here's my gift to all of you.  I wish you a smile, a moment of calm, some laughter, and a big dose of love.

I spent a lot of time outdoors today which helped my state of mind immeasurably.  The cherry trees are abuzz with pollinators including several new flies.  I've posted the first two hover flies of the season on Flickr, starting HERE.  

Hubs put up our deck canopy which signals the official start of summer at our house.  He also patched up some spots on the deck paint; tomorrow we'll move the table and chairs onto the deck.  Once it gets a bit warmer, we'll be taking most of our meals out there.  

Please be safe out there people.  Look out for those you know who may be at higher risk.  Take care of each other.  Be kind...


Covid 19 Stats
Positive cases in NJ as of 1PM today - 41,090
Deaths in NJ - 1,003
Positive cases in Sussex County -  292 - 11 deaths

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