Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Wind in the Trees

No one can tell me
Nobody knows
Where the wind comes from
Or where the wind goes

J.A McManus

Just a quick blip of the trees see behind the house seen in the gap between my house and next door (not in my garden). Conveniently there's a bird (a pigeon) in the tree!

I had some other tree pictures that show the wind in the trees a bit better, but I liked this one!

Its been raining all night, but now the sun is out and the strong wind is drying the puddles pretty quickly.

Had a nightmare problem last night!

I went to do the washing up and the sink was full of water, but the plus wasn't in it! It was blocked.... I emptied the sink and then (as I didn't have a plunger) I popped to B&Q at 7pm (they were closed!!)....

On the website it says 8pm, so some other people and myself argued the point and were let in :)

Came home with the plunger, but still couldn't clear the blockage. Anyway, a neighbour had seen me going out with the buckets of water across the turning circle and came to see what was wrong....he very kindly came in and sorted it out under the sink!

Phew...thought I'd have to get the plumber!! I know what to do next time if it happens again now...yes to girl power next time:)

By the time that was done, I had done nothing I intended to do, so I'll be busy most of today catching up with the housework.....

Hope to catch up with you later!

Have a great day blippers :)

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