Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael


I don't often see my friend Fiona in the flesh. We live at opposite ends of the country. But when we do get together, it turns into a bit of a session. 

Tonight we did it via FaceTime ......... she's good craic ...........

and still smiling, bless her. Here's to old friends, and keeping up connections till we can see each other face to face again.

Another picture from the garden. Another of those plants that take a decade to start flowering, but then go on through wind and rain and sun and snow. It's a camellia, variety long forgotten.

PS I should say the reason F and I were chatting today - she sent us a link to a challenge from the National Youth Orchestra to go outside at 5 pm and play the first few lines of the Ode to Joy on an instrument of our choice. We chose penny whistles. She went for clarsach and piano (not simultaneously). I won't be sending in the video of our performance.

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