jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Early start this morning, well, early for Steve, he was up and dressed before we were aware of the world. Expecting visitors for breakfast, and Steve was off helping friends move house. In the end most of the wives and children stayed home while the men went to help with the house move, but that meant that I got to spend time with Jeni and Barnaby instead! Bean and Bear both had a great time playing, and were sad to say goodbye.

Bean had been asking to go to the beach for a few days but I was still not quite feeling up to taking them both on my own, but after Bear refused to sleep and then fell off the sofa (for the second time) I decided we needed to get out. All wrapped up and ready to go and Hubby returned home at last hurrah! Had a lovely walk to the beach via a cafe (our new favourite, Green Cuisine!) and I left Bean and Hubby to look at the sea and went off to the grocery store via the sales rails in my favourite clothes shop. Found some happy bargains including a dress which is completely unsuitable for both breastfeeding or being insulin-diabetic but looks gorgeous so for £3 I'm happy to modify it a bit to make it work!

And the picture.... These are handmade recycled paper hearts, on which I'm slowly getting around to drawing love notes in preparation for Valentines :)

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