jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Our "last full day together" turned into a not very much time together day. Steve was out by breakfast time to get his back seen to, took a LONG time, then home via the shops for caulk by which time it was time to take Bean to preschool. Still, in bathroom terms, by dinnertime he'd got the caulk done and had even painted the walls!

Wrapping the Bear saved my sanity this morning. Took the opportunity to try a new carry style "Jordan's Back Carry" - two youtube tutorials and a semi-compliant Bear meant I got it just about right! Needs tweaking to get it properly right but I'm mostly there. The Bear seriously needed a chill-out. Was happy to nurse to sleep after that!

And in the afternoon while Steve worked on the bathroom I was able to do some painting on Bean's canvas. It was for his friend (his request, as a present!) so he wanted her name on it, and something pretty. I finished it in the evening and he declared it "beautiful, and finished!"

And once the boys had gone to bed after grazing on ham and toast and banana and cereal all evening, and after Steve threw the towel in and said "enough grouting!" he and I collapsed in front of the telly for a well earned break and a takeout pizza and we thoroughly enjoyed watching The A-Team :)

Back to the grind, to try and get the mirror back on the wall before I turned in. Just about managed!

It might be boring writing about bathrooms. But this is more finished than it's ever been since we moved in. Steve built that bathroom from first principals, including the walls and plumbing (with help). To have a useable bathroom for while he's away is a huge blessing, and to have the walls painted and the grouting started is a wonderful bonus! I am very very grateful.

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