Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Fern Fronds

I love unfurling fern fronds. I've been sitting down in my woodland garden watching this fern and meaning to get a shot of it. By late afternoon the sun can illuminate it. I liked a shot I got yesterday but once it was on the computer I could see the focus was off. I prepared a focus stack today but not enough time to faff with it tonight AND my laptop will grumble at the work!

I took delivery of a new commission today: a watercolour painting of a pub I know well. I popped along to the studio to take it out of its packaging and give it a chance to lie flat before I go back and take a photo of it. The lady will then have an image she can have printed, or we may do that for her, as well.

I watched YouTube tonight, hoping to see Nasa's SpaceX launch. Such an anticlimax for the astronauts when it was postponed. I don't think: "They had a great ride out to the pad." quite makes up for them not getting their expected trip into space!

Lockdown Day 65 Good thing today: Waiting to see Nasa's SpaceX launch.

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