
I had thought that waking at six as the train split at Carstairs junction, having not stopped chatting (and drinking) until 2am would make the morning's work a bit of a washout but once I'd got home, seen the kids off to school and had a shower, I felt quite chipper. A couple of slabs of hot buttery toast and some strong coffee and my enthusiasm was as lukewarm as ever.

After the work was done and lunch eaten I started laying the flooring in Ellen's room. It's only taken 18 months to get started. I did a quarter of it with that frustrating click-together laminate shit refusing to click properly. If only it had been proper wood with proper flooring nails that you just have to whack with huge hammer.

I also started my homework for art school. Make unspecified textures. Blackboard paint and washing up liquid works well, after you've repainted the blackboard.

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