Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Peace perfect Peace

I went out first thing this morning for a walk and managed to do 2. 5 miles and stay dry which was an achievement! I had a Zoom meeting at 10.15 with coffee and toast, so I needed to watch my time. The meeting was successful and all went smoothly, more plans and opportunities to work with Zoom. I wonder if it is going to be a permanent addition to our lives. At the moment it certainly seems to look that way.
My friend and I who have been trying for a garden coffee had to put it off yet again this afternoon, but there were a few bright spells in amongst the cloud and showers. The Peace rose on the wall by our driveway is always beautiful, I think I blipped the first bloom last month. It's full of flowers just now of all shades from cream to bright yellow and running right through the pink shades. Good scent too.
I had a mostly lazy afternoon though which was a nice change, I enjoyed disappearing into my book.
We had fajitas for dinner, I haven't made them for a long time, can't think why as we both enjoyed them.
Out for another walk after dinner, I'm sure it helps my digestion no end.
13296 steps

Keep safe and well everybody, we can do this if we look after each other.

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