Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Oops! How did that happen?

I went to Craigie farm again today having decided to pick some strawberries before they opened fully for pick your own at the weekend. I decided I would get a couple of kg. Unfortunately each basket holds 2.5kg not 1, so I've got 5kg of strawberries not to mention a of rasps too, to deal with. I made a first batch of strawberry this evening, only 3kg to go now. I remember joking a couple of years ago that if Brexit went ahead we wouldn't go short of Jam .... Wwe won't!
The berries are beautiful , loads still to ripen but plenty ready, huge, juicy and absolutely delicious, not that I tasted any while picking..., obviously!
A friend came for a cuppa in the garden this afternoon, which was blowy but nice. Good to chat and catch up.
This evening being Thursday and Corpus Christi we had our evening prayer service.
Dinner tonight was salmon with hollandaise sauce, I do find it a very satisfying thing to make and quite delicious. We had raspberries and strawberries for pudding of course.
I then settled down to the jam making. I'll do another batch tomorrow but I'll need to get some lemons first.
Absolutely stunning sky tonight, Shepherd's delight so looking forward to a nice day tomorrow.
Keep well and safe everybody, we're doing what we are told (mostly) and it seems to be working!
Steps today 14609

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