Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

It's been an unusual day in current times because Ive been quite sociable.

Jorgie and I started off the morning with a visit to Kipsie at her allotment, sitting on a couple of plastic chairs in amongst all her veg.
We had trouble hearing each other over the din that a wren was making!!
Her plot is a credit to all her hard toil and is a real work of art with all the various vegetables neatly arranged. Her Virgo traits are definitely on show.

Home again to get a few jobs done before Carolyn arrived to go for a walk.

We have just been reimbursed with our cancelled holiday in March with TUI. At first the company wrote to say that the money would be returned but not until March next year, 12 months from our planned departure date! 
There has been a lot of press coverage about this illegal practise and the ombudsman got involved so Im pleased to say there has been a change of heart.

We only got half a mile down the road for our walk when it started to rain. By the time we got home again it was chucking down. 
At least I won't need to water the plants tonight.

Not much time for a blip today so very much an EB of a bumble bee on the astrantia again

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