Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Backs at the Pool

The kids had their first swimming lesson of the year today. Here they are afterwards, sitting observing and discussing the carpark and cars therein, while waiting for mrs tsuken to finish in the gym (she took the opportunity to do a workout).

Bigger kiddies here.

Currently I am in the process of getting myself up and out for a run. I'll feel better once I have; I do know that. And I haven't been down to the trails for a while now, so my chosen route will be most enjoyable. I just have to lever my lazy self off the sofa.

Before I do though, I shall share with you about Resident Evil: Afterlife, which mrs tsuken and I watched last night. My thought: about five minutes of plot, stretched to feature film length. I then went looking for reviews; specifically, I went looking for a Roger Ebert review, as I usually like his. I found that after the first two RE movies, and gems like this:

"The movie is an utterly meaningless waste of time. There was no reason to produce it, except to make money, and there is no reason to see it, except to spend money.",

... Ebert stopped reviewing them. So I looked for reviews on other sites. On this one I found another gem:

"Paul W. S. Anderson wrote and directed this, which is a statement of exaggeration since barely anything here was written and directed"

Oh, snap. xP

And a friend who watches and reviews movies summed it up perfectly in less than 140 characters (the maximum allowed on Twitter):

"@tsuken Well it's garbage, like all the others. 90 minutes of flashy violence and OTT CGI. Milla looks nice in her tight latex, as usual."


It was kind of fun, and I don't regret the $5 or whatever I spent on the DVD, but despite the cliffhanger (... I wonder what the term might be for when a movie ends right in the middle of something that should be exciting, but just isn't...) I won't be getting or watching the fifth installment - Resident Evil: Retribution, which if 'twere possible, sounds more ridiculous and confusing than RE: Afterlife.

Anyway, off to run around in the bush for 3/4 hour.

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