Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Whatcha looking at?

A brighter day today, I went out for a walk first thing then came home to relax. We were running short of veg so I went out to Craigie Farm. As well as their fruit, bakery and butchery, , they always have a good selection of veg, much of it home grown. Their cherry tomatoes are particularly good just now.
This afternoon I spent lazing in the garden and reading my book, so nice to be warm again.
I'd noticed that the fat balls in the feeder seemed to be going down more quickly than usual and today, as my blip shows I found the reason. I watched him for ages then when he noticed me he just jumped through the mesh of the feeder and down to the ground. Cheeky thing.
Had a bit of an upset stomach today so had a quiet evening while Colin played bridge.
Keep well everybody, we seem to be moving through things OK.

Steps today 13148

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