Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Delphinium blue

After a dull start, today has turned out much better than expected. Friday and another week over. For schools and teachers only one more week to go till summer break. Hopefully when things restart they will be a bit closer to normal.
I spent the morning and early afternoon doing my Heath Robinson bit setting up canes and strings for my beans. I sowed another tray full of radish, topped up the tattie sacks again and replanted some lettuce too.
The garden all looks very lush at the moment lots of colour. Our Ruby wedding roses from 5 years ago are about to burst into flower. I'm going to have to restake them this year, I hope they manage to hold out that long. There must be over 100 buds on each of them.
These delphinium are into their 4th season now (is that right Nadine?) the colour is fantastic and they look so healthy.
Thank you everybody for your concern BTW, I'm feeling much better today, just a blip I think!!
For dinner tonight we had the veal which I got out of the freezer the other day. It had been marinating in wine and shallots for 36 hours so was very tender. I made a sauce using the demi glace that I made the other day and I have to say it was excellent. Well worth all the preparation.

Keep well and safe everybody, we're on our way out, we're at phase two, so now we can go out but it's 'stay safe, protect others, save lives'
The new acronym is FACTS:
Face coverings
Avoid crowds
Clean hands and surfaces
Two meter distancing
Self isolate and book a test if you have symptoms

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