My best side

The day, in reverse:

Lovely meal with 9 of my friends - just a perfect way to spend an evening, surrounded by people who I care about, who have supported me without question on bad days, and not so bad, who put up with my moodiness, my temper tantrums, my tears, complaining and general grumpiness and still find it in their hearts to smile at me and be lovely. I am very lucky.

The realisation this evening that I am definitely turning into what most people would classify as a 'grumpy old woman' and could certainly do a good job on a television show of the same name...tonight the things that got me were:

1. Walking down the stairs of the multistorey carpark surrounded by the odour of cannabis - someone had clearly walked down before me smoking a joint...I found myself muttering out loud along the lines of "When did it become acceptable to do that in public spaces" and such like. Now, to be clear, if people wish to smoke that stuff recreationally, that's up to them - but in public places - no, really. It's not on.

2. YOUNG MEN WHO WEAR THEIR TROUSERS DELIBERATELY BELTED BELOW THE BUM CHEEKS. Really. What the hell is that about. It is not a good look - your arse would look better in the jeans - it seriously makes you look like you don't think you will be able to get your kecks off quick enough if you need to go to the loo. It really is HORRIBLE and the young man in question tonight should consider himself lucky that I did not tell him directly and pull his trousers up for him!

In school - good lessons - really pleased with my science groups, as I usually am. Particularly chuffed with my Year 7s who conducted themselves beautifully during a practical and just did me proud. So chuffed with them.

Lesson observation went well despite an attempt at sabotage. Am happy and feel more confident in my ability as a non specialist to be conduct myself like a specialist following the feedback today.

other professional discussions have taken place that have raised some interesting ideas. Some others that I want to have, but am going to have to wait awhile - but I am busting to start driving some changes and raising expectations...thats what all of our students deserve.

Poor night sleep last night. Am now going for a bath. Early up tomorrow to prep folders for university - full day on campus and then home to prep for Wednesday lessons and a potentially extensive meeting after school on Wednesday. The grains of sand are falling through this hourglass of mine and I cannot stem the flow - I am not going to get everything done...

Doesn't matter for now - just still smiling from my lovely friends and their lovely gifts.

Thank you ladies :-)

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