Independent spirit

Around the other side of the wall were a mass of mallows, jostling for position in the breeze to be in my photo. This fellow wanted to be different, to be independent and not to follow the herd. And it worked. His thousands of mates didn’t make the blip. He did!

I’ve always thought myself to be like this fellow, it was reinforced by an advert a good few years ago for a daily newspaper (I want to say The Independent) where sheep were being loaded into a van, all except one who went their own way over a wall. It was a butcher’s van. Don’t follow the herd was the message. Anyone remember the advert?

Anyway, seeing as it’s Abstract Thursday I’ve rather lamely pushed the image through Prisma to give it a bit of a different look. I suppose the processing has added a bit of colour to a nondescript brick wall.

I saw this on the way back for having some attention to my left foot at the chiropodist (same thing as a podiatrist apparently). A bit of a corn and a slightly dislocated toe have been causing me some discomfort. Not sufficient to prevent a 10k hill run this morning and a session picking and harvesting at the allotment this afternoon.

Most of my foot ended up on the consulting room floor and the offending toe is has been splinted to its neighbour for a while. Immediate relief!

Thank you to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday. I’ll try and do better next time. It might help to look at the theme beforehand; that would be too easy.

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