The long view

While Susan was with her mum at the hospital with another eye appointment I had a very gentle stroll to the allotment. Susan did a whole lot of weeding the other day, despite that there’s much to be done to make it presentable again after 4 weeks without much input.

Today’s blip is a long view from the far end of the garden where we were sitting in the shade of Susan’s studio having a coffee. Wonderful clear blue skies and a dry heat. Lovely. The meadow that was once a lawn looks ready to reap.

This afternoon we went back to finalise our choice of a new bed. Very helpful and knowledgeable salesman. We think we’ve made the right decision!

From the showroom we drove to Waitrose to get one or two things and have a short walk down to the river at Allington. Very pleasant although we didn’t get much time to sit and relax as Susan needed to be at her mum’s. Instead of cooking we bought in fish and chips for Doreen which, of course, always go down well.

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