Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom


In search of a blip,  I visited the Rocky Mountain AOG Training Camp (my backyard).  I found Team Grasshopper practicing the Tarp Climb.  It will be a big event this year because the handstand at the top has been added.  Poor Gregory is still having trouble with that and, try as he might, he could still only get his back legs up.  The coach was not pleased with me and my camera, so I didn't ask for an interview!  More information about the AOG can be found here and if you want to see more of the athletes, follow the link.  Use your imagination and join in the fun!

I had an early appointment with the optometrist today and had my eyes dilated.  Fortunately, I expected that and brought my super dark sunglasses with me for the drive home.  I decided I might as well take a nap since I couldn't see anything and I slept for 3 hours!  The good news is that I awoke with clearer eyes and a better attitude. :-) 

Thank you to everyone who sympathized and offered good advice about my anxiety yesterday.  I have been taking medication for anxiety for several years and it's been well controlled except for an occasional bad day.  Like depression, it's caused by a chemical imbalance and the same class of drugs are used to treat it.  I am grateful that my doctor found the right combination for me!  And, I am grateful for this caring community! xx

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