
The fireman holds out the yellow token to hand it to the controller as the first train of the day returns to Wharf at lunchtime.  The young fireman is one of three brothers, identical triplets, whose family live locally and all three work on the railway.   Plenty of fun there!

It was my first day in the cafe since indoor dining has been possible post-lockdown.  A new and more straightforward one-way system is now in operation.  We were nicely busy, as were the trains. 

Jamie and I have taken to walking Meg late in the evening when there are far less dogs out and about to trigger her barking, which has become sucha big problem.   In every other way she is the perfect companion for Jamie - we're looking at using a professional trainer to help us.   Tonight we were out on a minor road that crosses the Dysinni at it's mouth.  Now just a footbridge, the road is traffic free where we walk which makes for a peaceful and very enjoyable walk.

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