Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

And pause.... ,

That's what one does at a comma isn't it?

Last night's storm was phenomenal, fortunately we escaped with only one broken branch on a plant in the garden... the garage didn't even flood.
It started just after 10 and for over two hours there was constant sheet lightning. The sky was lit up every 3-5 seconds, the thunder rumbled constantly and the rain was torrential. I dreaded going out this morning, then when I opened the curtains, the sun was shining and the cloudless blue sky was the picture of innocence.
We were lucky. There have been deaths and serious damage to roads and homes as well as the awful train derailment near Stonehaven. The East of Scotland seems to have taken the brunt of things this time.

By contrast the weather today was beautiful, Colin and I walked to Davidson's Mains. There was a lot of mess from the detritus, which has been gathering under hedges and in the unswept streets, picked up and deposited along the roads by the rain water last night. It looked very strange.
We had lunch at the pub in the Village which has a lovely big beer garden. We were able to stay outside, safely socially distanced, and take advantage of the 'eat out to help out' , half price meal offer. It was so hot and sunny we chose a table with a parasol! In Scotland! I don't think I would have felt at ease sitting in a restaurant, but in the pub garden it was fine. It felt strange and rather uncomfortable having to give our details for the track and trace system. I hope we don't have to account for our foray into eating in public.

We walked there and back along the cycle track and on the way I noticed the brambles looking very lush, there's a huge crop this year. This comma (I think) butterfly, which is obviously nearing the end of its life, posed very well for me.

Schools went back today, both Ali as the teacher and Eilidh as the pupil reported back that they'd had really lovely days, so a good start. They are both in P3 this year which is amusing. The same story from opposite sides (different schools BTW).

Tomorrow Eilidh is here again as her half of the class was in school today, the other half tomorrow and then the whole class from Friday. She and I are going to go to Five Sister's Zoo. We have the tickets, just the picnic to make then we are off for a day of mischief, hopefully the sun will shine again for us.

Keep well everybody and safe. I've got the pattern and fabric to make a couple more masks, I think we're going to need them for a while yet and I've plenty of time on my hands... Did I say that?

Steps today 13706

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