Kendall is here

By kendallishere

Car Caravan Continues

As you may recall from previous blips, Donna Hayes and friends hold a Car Caravan protest every Wednesday and Friday night, no matter the weather. It allows people who cannot risk the crowded protests to stand up in solidarity with Black Lives Matter. Tonight the caravan came through my neighborhood, going up 21st Avenue (the corner where I live and my One Street some years back) and then down 23rd. So when I heard them on the way up, I grabbed my mask and the camera and power-walked over to 23rd to wait for them. There were about 75 cars in the caravan tonight in a light rain.

Tomorrow is more outdoor, masked and distanced activities which you will hear about, though I might not be able to post the blip for tomorrow till Monday. I love being able to use the camera once again for justice. I have missed this so much.

Tonight about 300 people are facing off against the police in the nightly ritual of protest against police brutality, met regularly with more police brutality. It's the 80-something-th night of protesting, and I have never been to a single night of it. I write this at midnight, and so far tonight there has been no tear gas. Fingers crossed.


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