
By BoneShaker

Seven days of Charlotte . Day 2 . Frozen

Day 2 of Seven Days Of Charlotte.

Charlotte loves to be warm. She feels the cold very easily and so it was very good of her to stay in the shower whilst I farted about with flashes and lenses. It was a WARM shower I must add.

It's already got hard thinking of things we can do to do seven days of Charlotte portraits. I got home from work to find Charlie in the shower. Hmmm Although it would be tempting to do that sort of shot, Blip is not that sort of place, so I thought I'd try and capture the nature of the water on the skin as much as the face itself. I noticed that when frozen by the flash the water actually looks like ice on the skin...I also love the colour of the bathroom wall. Although I didn't like cleaning up all the water off the floor...

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