Another Sunflower

A day of far too many calls, which means not much real work gets done.  TT was back at home today, not that I saw much of him.  We had lunch separately and our paths hardly crossed all day
BB had rugby training tonight and came home with a sore knee – which makes two sore knees in this house.  Hopefully his is just a bash.  He also came home with a merit certificate for demonstrating ambition and diligence in all his subject during S2.  We had received a letter about ti a couple of weeks ago and are delighted.  BB was totally underwhelmed, especially as he had had to miss PE to get it presented and also get his photograph taken.  We also got the standard annual check letter from the Electoral Registration Officer, which said that anyone who lives in Scotland and is 14 or over can now register to vote.  I signed BB up!!
I went out for a walk this evening, there was a chilly wind, which was in contrast to the past few days when the breeze has been warm
Another sunflower.  You wait for months to see a sunflower, and they all come at once!

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