Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

# 4 tire

Subtitle: Julien is pooped after a cycle

Today's word in the Dictionary Project is 'tire'. This is not such an unusual word but I'm going with the random selection so here we have it. Definition: vi to become weary; to have one's interest or patience exhausted or worn down.

Today I am tiring of a situation in my life that has a long and difficult history. I can identify with having my patience exhausted and being worn down. I am so grateful for the lovely man and my friends.

I have not fully or properly referenced the project in every blip but I will include a paragraph from now on in every entry for those who have not come across the project.

The origins of the Dictionary Project
I took the baton from Banana blipsBanana Blips on the Dictionary Project. This was initiated by Scattered Polaroids who is currently working on another great project.

If you follow the links above you will see how they both introduced the project and be at the beginning of their entries. The idea is to select a word randomly from the dictionary each day and illustrate it in your blip.

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