Solace Day 3 Stopping For Lunch

I didn't take many photos today. Gliding along the canal in a narrowboat looks so effortless but in actual fact The Helmsman has to have his wits about him and keep in full concentration, The Crew Member doing the locks has a lot of physical work to do and The Galley Slave, well, she  works all day making cups of tea, elevenses, lunch, an evening meal and after all that, plies the crew with alcohol and choses a DVD to watch. I must say, our Galley Slave has been driving folk wild along the canal this week. The smell of bacon, sausages and onions in the morning has really got the dog walkers on the towpath talking to us!

This is Solace, moored in a nice setting at Hanley Park, near Etruria on the Caldon Canal, while we had lunch.

For eight years we have put up with a TV aerial cluttering up the foredeck. We have only turned the TV on once before and F1 was on again today but where was the aerial? Who knows? An action-packed race wasn't seen by us!

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