Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

The biggest slug in the whole wide world...

Up early again today, why do people think I want to get up early.... I don't! Good cause though I drove over to pick up Stuart and Marvin the pug as Marvin had a wee op at the vet today, the vet is opposite our house and he had to be there for 8.30am. So it was worth it really. All went well and they picked him up again at about 4.30 complete with his cone of shame. He was still dozy and didn't really know what to make of it poor wee thing.
Other than that.... I went to Dobbies in Dunfermline and picked up some more fish for the tank along with a very nice plant for it too. I wonder if they will eat this one? They seem to think that any greenery in the tank is actually salad!
On my way home I popped in to pick up some keys from a friend whose cat I'm going to feed this weekend, we had a cup of tea, well distanced of course.
Home again and sorted the fish then Ali came by with Marvin.
I went down to pick up something from Katy's, the girls were in good form as you can see. That slug was a good 6" long, they enjoyed seeing its underside as it moved across the glass. They refused to believe me when I told them it was an elephant seal - wise children. Fortunately it was on the outside of the window pane.
Were a bit stuck now we've finally finished Killing Eve, A Suitable Boy and all but one episode of Vera. We watched an episode of Black Work this evening, an ITV police mini-series from 2015 we'd not seen before. It only has 3 episodes though.
A blipper, can't remember who and can't find the blip in question, mentioned recently a programme they'd enjoyed watching during lockdown which had several series and which they were coming to the end of.... Sound familiar anybody, we're looking for something on virgin, iplayer, stvplayer(although the ads are annoying) or Amazon prime. Suggestions appreciated please.
What a muddle this testing system is. I hope I don't need to get involved. Keep safe everybody.
Steps today 10300.

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