The Blackcountry Man

By brickmaker

Breakfast, Duck Egg....

Part of my healthy eating campaign, no more McDonalds breakfast, no more sausages, no more Black puddings, Cereal or grilled bacon or boiled eggs, no bread either, I think this is going to be hard.

I went to the hospital today for my six monthly blood test, and while I was waiting I sat but a woman who was being treated for cancer, she was Happy cheerful and downright jovial even though she was being treated with Chemotherapy, she cheered me up no end. As they say there is always someone worse off than yourself, she has had a profound influence on me today.

I thank everyone for their kind comments on my 600th yesterday it was very kind.
I was going to go to Horsham today but something drastic has gone wrong with my 5D and inside the shutter compartment the top has defuser fallen off onto the mirror, while I refitted it quite easy I have found oil smears on the mirror and the sensor, so it is going back to Canon tomorrow once I have talked to them.

Have a good week.

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