Another boring Blip I'm afraid. After sorting two 19 inch monitors on Monday, and another yesterday, today there was a slightly bigger challenge. It took two of us to take this thing down the stairs, and it was far too big for the workshop bench. An unoccupied classroom became a temporary workshop.

First one of these - an LG 50 inch plasma TV/monitor. Didn't count the number of screws holding the back on, but it was easily over twenty. The usual suspects were found to be faulty - "blown" capacitors. Six of them were very obviously blown. All on the main power supply board, as per the smaller monitors. No other visible faults noted. Have ordered some (better quality) replacements this evening, along with a few others that I'll replace as a precautionary measure. And hopefully that will be it. Perhaps touch up the soldering on a few bits and pieces on the board.

If it works the total parts cost will be under £10. Fingers crossed...

Today was fairly dreicht out. Snow, then hail and sleet, with rain later. Cold and grey. Was all set to cycle, but my headlight failed for the first time in its twelve year life. So a quick change, and risk the traffic queues in the car. The way the weather turned out, I was glad to be in the tin box for a change.

Forecast for the weekend is reckoning it'll be a bit warmer. Maybe get out on the sea then. Must away and sort that lamp, it's just a broken wire.

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