Day Out

In October 2013 my mum and I had a lovely day out in Stratford upon Avon. A few months later I went back on my fortieth birthday 
Both times we were full of plans to go back soon.
Today was the day. Just six years later!!
Mum thought it would be good to go while it's still relatively quiet, without all the coachloads of tourists. Clearly everyone else thought the same as it was pretty busy. The glorious sunshine might have had something to do with it - over thirty degrees and boiling!
We had a lovely picnic lunch by the river not long after we arrived and then spent a very lovely few hours walking along by the river and around the old town. It was so gorgeous!
If a little bloody hot!!
I took the same picture in the churchyard, it was a bit different to the wet October day!
Rather than come back on the motorway we tootled on the back roads. Lovely!
It was sooooooooooooooo good to get out for the day, do something normal that I always took so much for granted. 
Normality, who knew how great it was?!!

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