
...kind to others

another flower for flowerfriday

despite a massive pandemic - time isn’t slowing - down for any of us - and with it - we are now staring - major holidays in the face - with that always comes - potential for temper tantrums - people on edge - and nerves which are frayed - all these more so now - due to our current circumstances - along with continued unanswered questions - but i would urge you to ponder - these words from scripture

let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people... galations 6:9-10a (niv)

it costs us nothing - to speak a kind word to others - as well as ourselves - although it might seem - difficult, being kind even - when it’s not immediately - reciprocated can provide many - blessings in the long run - additionally kind words - can heal both heart and mind - which will lead to...


happy day.....

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