New reality day 78

The golden moment by the pond this evening. we reached the pond with the dogs, just before the sun couldn't reach the pond anymore.

We went to the stores today to get snow shovel (RIGHT?!!!) and some other stuff. We got to the third store (two previous ones didn't have the items we were looking for) and ask for the shovels they're supposed to have. They told us that the snow shoveling items will be brought to the store after one hour. So. We shopped slowly around this huge store. And ended up also finding items that we thought we should have gone to the store number 4. I also bought a new rug, some sauna bench protection liquid that will also give it darker color, birthday presents to our godson and his little brother, a pyjamas for Niklas (I know he didn't have a good one anymore), fireplace set and some other stuff and finally after an hour we got the snow shovel.

They have forecast snow to whole Finland early next week. We're only in the area with 1mm snow forecast, but that did remind us that we need to buy that shovel.

I also started the Curly Girl method. On my day 1. My hair is still wet, so I don't know how it will look. Some people get their curls get stronger immediately and for some it takes weeks. I'm eager to see how it turn out for me.

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