Pretty young still, if not in body then certainly at heart.

I will take a much happier shot, I think, when the dentist is done with him ... hahaha!

The usual day, but when AW left for his Friday bridge evening with 'the gang of four', I came along, colouring book and pencils in tow.  Earlier in the day, some housework, a heavy cart full of supermarket errands to stock the larder, and then a second trip with a much smaller bag for this evening's card party -- apple pie, whipped cream, peanuts, chips/crisps, cheese blocks, salami slices, smoked ham, olives, and some wraps.  AW had some fun with me -- 'This isn't MNL, you know, where everybody has to stuff himself.'  I fully agree!  To be clear, we're not in MNL, but I do come from there, so my bag of goodies was completely true to character.  Sweed and Benna installed a hand sanitizer just outside their back door (nobody but nobody uses the front door here unless the mayor is going to visit, and unless it's our place ... haha!) which we are required to use before we even touch the back door handle.

Anyway, it was a cozy, lovely, warm evening, which also amounted to 4.5 hours of intense colouring, something I had never done before as I usually stop or take a long break after two hours.  I will do it like that again, though, the next time I stay for the duration of their game.  It's actually great to be able to focus that long, with some short breaks to nibble on the snacks, which is another thing I do not do when I'm at home.

Ik hou van jou, schatje!  And may you live many, many more years, for your sake as well as mine.

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