Salford Quays

I always wanted to be a singer in a band but when my opportunity finally arose - singing for The Zane Gray Incident for a few months in 1986 - it quickly became apparent I wasn't quite up to the job. I mean, I held my ground but both the guitarist and bassist* were better singers than me and the writing on the wall could not be ignored once the bassist overdubbed my vocal on one of the songs we recorded that Easter.

I have to say that I was particularly disappointed not only because I *really* wanted to sing in that band but also because before my voice broke I was a great singer and I took it for granted that I always would be.

I persevered, though, and over the years I came to be a pretty good singer but I still remember that acute insecurity of not liking the sound of your own voice and lacking the confidence to go for a note outside of a fairly narrow range.

I mention this because I have heard the miniMinx singing (when she thinks no one’s listening) and she has a great voice but she doesn't see that. However, matters have come to a head now that she needs to sing for an audition. Happily, my great friend David is also a super pro voice coach and agreed to give the miniMinx a few lessons, the first of which was today.

The Minx felt it was only fair that we leave the house while the lesson was in progress so, like the decadent fellows we are, we grabbed a bottle of fizz and drove out to Salford Quays.

*And, it would transpire decades later, the drummer.

-12.9 kgs
Reading: 'The Vanishing Half' by Brit Bennett

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